I love this picture! We were going on a hike in a town near us and I looked up and saw them walking hand in hand and I just knew I needed to capture it. To hold onto and cherish that memory.
That is something that has been coming up a lot in the last few weeks. Maybe it is because Elijah is potty trained fully now.
Maybe it is because Micah will be two years old on December 14th.
Maybe it is because of moments like when I was playing piano on Sunday and I looked up to see Micah smiling at me. In that moment my heart jumped because I realized how he is starting to look more and more like a toddler instead of a baby.
Cherish these moments.
So then today I found this picture on facebook and it absolutely stopped me in my tracks:
So why is it so easy for me to not cherish moments? To continue to do whatever on social media instead of reading them a story.
To want to go watch that chick flick because it is their bedtime and I just want a break but wait-they want another story?
It is easier alot of the time to be selfish.
There I said it.
To put my needs before theirs.
The sad thing is that this season will pass and then what happens?
Someday-sooner then I want to admit-my boys will be 17 and 16 instead of three and two. These precious fleeting moments when they need me in that special way that littles need their Mama-this too shall pass.
So what am I doing in the meantime?
And that is when a new resolve was born. When I realized that my boys will not be with me forever.
When I realized that someday I will need to let them go...
Cherish the moments. Treasure this time. Make memories. Remember that even though this season seems to be never ending with the messes and diapers and exhaustion and sleeplessness-it will be over one day.
That day will come sooner then I care to admit.
Perspective. So often it is easy to see a nuisance or the inconvenience of having to slow down when really it should be seen as an opportunity to grow and teach.
A memory can be either good or bad.
Cherished or tossed to the side.
So my new goal? To wake up every morning and praise God for those two sweet little faces. And then in the exhaustion and mundane of life to be thankful.
Thankful for my precious boys.
Thankful for life itself.
Thankful to be able to pour into my children.
Thankful for the funny things that come out of their mouths.
Thankful for their love for me.
Thankful for another day to cherish and make memories.
Thankful for another day to be with them.
So what about you? Do you ever have a day where you are just so exhausted there is no end in sight? Motherhood is tough! But it also changes with each new season of life. What are some little things that you can look to cherish in the moment?