The Story of Ian and Larissa

10:11 PM

it brought tears to my eyes.
then made me want to go hug and kiss my husband.
what an inspiration!
what a challenge to me to invest more in my marriage.
to enjoy the everyday blessings.
to be more thankful.
to be more content.
praying this blesses you as well!
visit ian and larissa over at their blog-pray for ian
and yes-i know i have no capitals in this post it is because i typed most of it one handed.
well, because i was holding my sleeping baby :)

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6 Thoughts

  1. hahahaha I have made a couple posts one handed because I was feeding him all onehanded.

  2. YES!!! I saw this on Facebook the other day and was so inspired, I saved it for hubby and I to watch together. Such a beautiful and powerful story. I didn't know they had a blog either...thanks for sharing that too!

    PS- I do alot of one-handed typing as well...welcome to bloggy mommy-hood! :0)

  3. That is really sweet and beautiful. God is so good!

  4. I saw this on John Piper's facebook page! Wow, so inspiring. It makes me just so eager to trust the Lord with my life and be the kind of woman who will be faithful no matter what.

  5. Thank you for posting this video! About a year ago I heard her talking on a radio show and was really moved! What a beautiful inspiration and reminder!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog :) I would love it if you would leave your thoughts! I will try to reply back with a comment as soon as I can so check back when you can especially if you have questions! :)

Please keep everything honoring to the Lord Jesus Christ (language, etc...) and appropriate for everyone :)

May the Lord richly bless you! Thanks for commenting :)

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